Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher, said "change is the only constant in life." How right was he.. Haywire, Garnet Valley, Solvero & MoreWhen the sun rises over the eastern mountains of the Okanagan Valley, it showers warmth across the western shore and brings life to West Kelowna, Peachland, Summerland and Kaleden. The sounds of bees, birds, babies and tractors signal the return of life and another growing season. The question on everyone's mind is “will there be grapes?’ Here in the heart of wine country the answer is yes. There will be grapes. There are also new wineries to visit and new styles of wine to taste. In Summerland, with it's recently established sub-appellations, the new winery beginnings include the re-visioned Haywire Vineyards and Winery, (previously Okanagan Crush Pad), Garnet Valley Ranch and Solvero Wines. Did you know that Bottleneck Drive touring routes include all of these? The excitement is real and tasting rooms are ready to welcome visitors.
La Crema de la Crema - the best of the best - showcased South America wine like never before. The event kicked off Saturday April 29th at 5:15 pm with hometown wine guy Anthony Gismondi and South American wine expert Evan Goldstein MS (@evangoldsteinems) who lead us on a journey travelling from Chile and Argentina to Uruguay and Brazil. Top Wines of South America Tasted at VIWF 2023The "La Crema de la Crema" panel was complete with winemakers, brand ambassadors and business leaders who provided insights and experiences from a fine wine perspective that countered the $10 wine bargain - somewhat synonymous with this region over the past decade. In fact, there was a definite wow factor and tasting proved it. The conversation got off on the "dulce de leche" foot and despite the popularity of football and empanadas, passions flared. It seems that Uruguay's dulce de leche is the best.
The Vancouver International Wine Festival 2023 kicked off the week with a renewed sense of vibrant celebration. It feels like Covid never happened. The celebration of food, wine and theater kicked the doors of international wide open counting down in Portuguese as South America features as the wine region of focus. Not to be overshadowed, Brazil makes wine too! The Global "Cru" Seminar Wine Review 2023The traditional Grand Tastings and seminars are back and totally switched on to what’s new and what’s happening in the wine world. Seminars are a great way to continue your wine education and discover the best wines of the event. In this seminar, The Global Cru, the discussion focused on meaning. Is a "cru" wine something more delicious? Or more expensive? Cru is a French word with no real translation and it refers to a site or single vineyard that is unique in some way making extraordinary wine versus the plot of land just around the corner.
AUTHORI'm Good Wine Gal.
I blog about "good wine" and how to find it! Join me on my adventures of finding beautiful wine loving places, people and those special bottles we all get excited about. Archives
December 2024